Our Services

Material Formulations assistance

➼ Trying to come up with a material formualtion using specific components?

➼ Need help figuring out what components are needed to adjust a compound?

➼ Starting from scratch and needing guidance?

We can provide guidance on how to take select feedstocks and turn them into the end material you need.

Material Selection Services

➼ Uncertain of what material will have the highest performance in your application?

➼ Need help selecting materials from alternate manfucaturers?

➼ Need to know how competing materials stack up against each other in particular applications?

We can provide guidance in selecting the material that will best fit your application!

Material Specification assistance

➼ Need a better understanding of how specifications will impact your application?

➼ Need help figuring out which specifications need adustment in your fourmla or application?

➼ Have an industry test that you need a plastics material test to replicate?

➼ Need to understand specific lab results?

➼ Need to create Lot certifications or MSDS sheets?

We can provide guidance on how to use material specifications to your advantage as well as help you understand how specific tests reflect real life applications. We can also help you compare offerings from multiple manufacturers to understand how they stack up!

Sales of material services

➼ Need help selling materials you have in house?

➼ Need market information to determine the value of material you have to offer?

➼ Have a new salesperson who needs some training?

➼ Need some current updates on the sales marketplace?

We can provide material sales services to your company, so you don't have to hire a full-time person for that role. We work on a straight commission basis. We don't get paid until you get paid for your materials. Best part is - you only pay for sales when you get results!

Purchasing of materials services

➼ Need help purchasing raw materials for your next project?

➼ Want to find out if there is a market for what you have to offer?

➼ Need market information to determine pricing of the material you need to purchase?

➼ Have a new purchaser who needs some training?

We can provide material purchasing services to your company, so you don't have to hire a full-time person for that role. We work on a straight commission basis. We don't get paid until you get paid for your materials. Best part is - you only pay for sales when you get results!

Toll processing of material services

➼ Need to process materials you have on hand? We have relationships with companies that specialize in the following plastics processing services

➼ Need Separation services?

➼ Need size reduction services (Shredding, Grinding, Pulverizing)?

➼ Need Reprocessing services-turning raw materials to finished pellets?

➼ Need Compounding services- turning raw materials to finished pellets with the addition of modifiers and colors?

➼ Need Packaging and Unpackaging services?

➼ Need bulk services?

We have lots of contacts - let us help you find the best processor for your needs.